Carlos González García


Hi there! I am a cognitive neuroscientist intrigued by how the brain learns and adapts to the complexities of our ever-changing world. My research focuses on the interplay of perception and memory, and more specifically in mechanisms like rapid and/or one-shot learning, where a single experience can significantly reshape our subjective experience of the environment.

During my time as PhD student and postdoc, I was fortunate to work with amazing teams in Spain, Belgium and the USA. These experiences shaped my vision on how to ideally approach (computational) cognitive neuroscience: a combination of rigurous experimental control and advanced neuroimaging, aimed at building useful and tractable theories of cognition. Now, as a Ramón y Cajal fellow at the University of Granada, I’m excited to lead my own team along this path in the Human Neuroscience lab.

In parallel to my primary research, I am interested in analysis and software development, reflecting on mentoring and teaching practices, and engaging in broader debates at the intersection of neuroscience, cognition, and artificial intelligence. I might also fall for one or two time-consuming fun enterprises every now and then.